About worship
Whether you’re with us for the first time or the thousandth time, whether you’re in doubt or devout, no matter who you are, what experience you bring, or what questions you have, you are welcome here.
With God’s grace, we welcome all people, affirming differences of faith backgrounds, sexual orientation, gender expression, racial, ethnic, or economic status. Language that we use in worship seeks to welcome all as the family of God together. You can read more about worship language here.
We welcome all to share in the life and leadership, worship, sacraments and blessings this congregation offers.
Indoor Worship Guidelines
We value deep and meaningful relationships with one another. Friendships, connections and a sense of community are important. We care for one another. We value relationship with our neighbors, racial/ethnic backgrounds and ages. People know we are followers of Christ by the way we love others.
We value being open to different ideas, perspectives and life experiences. We do our best to be open, welcome and affirming of people with different physical, mental and emotional abilities, sexual orientations and gender identities, racial/ethnic backgrounds and theological and political beliefs. Following the example of Jesus, we seek to welcome all people, letting them know they are loved and valued.
We value putting our faith into action by working alongside communities, locally, nationally and internationally. We believe transformation happens in us and in the world when we build relationships and work with our neighbors. We feed the hungry, care for those who are sick, and provide safe shelter and hospitality to groups who use our church building for community gatherings. We are involved in peacemaking and social justice movements. We value working with others to build a more just, loving world for all people because this is what our faith in Christ moves us to do.
We value learning and spiritual growth. We ask questions, include room for doubt and seek to grow in our relationships with Jesus and one another. Spiritual growth and faith formation happen through worship, classes, and group interaction as well as putting our faith into action. We meet people wherever they are on their journey of faith and support them to take their next steps.
We value risk-taking. When the living God nudges our collective conscience and we feel compelled to address injustice, admit a failure, or set out on a new adventure, we like to think we’re a church that listens and responds. We value being a community that is not afraid to be re-formed by Christ and take risks to live the gospel in bold, relevant ways.
With God’s grace, we welcome all people, affirming differences of faith backgrounds, sexual orientation, gender expression, racial, ethnic, or economic status. Language that we use in worship seeks to welcome all as the family of God together. You can read more about worship language here.
We welcome all to share in the life and leadership, worship, sacraments and blessings this congregation offers.
- In-person Worship in the Sanctuary Sunday Mornings at 10 am
- Or join us online via livestream on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GoodShepherdNorthglenn
- Don’t have a smartphone or computer? Phone in and hear just the audio of the service. Dial 720-647-9623 at 10 am to participate.
Indoor Worship Guidelines
- Per Adams County, the CDC and the Presbytery of Denver, we have developed protocols to insure the safety and health of our community.
- By entering the building, you certify that (a) you do not currently have COVID-19; (b) you are not experiencing COVID symptoms; (c) you have no reason to quarantine; and (d) you will wear a mask and practice social distancing.
- Masks are required at this time.
- There are no capacity limits, and pre-registration is not necessary.
- Music is provided by Sara Love, Jeremy Kurn, and the vaccinated Chancel Choir. There is congregational singing.
- There is an ADA compliant restroom available in the narthex.
- We have an in-person fellowship time immediately following the service.
We value deep and meaningful relationships with one another. Friendships, connections and a sense of community are important. We care for one another. We value relationship with our neighbors, racial/ethnic backgrounds and ages. People know we are followers of Christ by the way we love others.
We value being open to different ideas, perspectives and life experiences. We do our best to be open, welcome and affirming of people with different physical, mental and emotional abilities, sexual orientations and gender identities, racial/ethnic backgrounds and theological and political beliefs. Following the example of Jesus, we seek to welcome all people, letting them know they are loved and valued.
We value putting our faith into action by working alongside communities, locally, nationally and internationally. We believe transformation happens in us and in the world when we build relationships and work with our neighbors. We feed the hungry, care for those who are sick, and provide safe shelter and hospitality to groups who use our church building for community gatherings. We are involved in peacemaking and social justice movements. We value working with others to build a more just, loving world for all people because this is what our faith in Christ moves us to do.
We value learning and spiritual growth. We ask questions, include room for doubt and seek to grow in our relationships with Jesus and one another. Spiritual growth and faith formation happen through worship, classes, and group interaction as well as putting our faith into action. We meet people wherever they are on their journey of faith and support them to take their next steps.
We value risk-taking. When the living God nudges our collective conscience and we feel compelled to address injustice, admit a failure, or set out on a new adventure, we like to think we’re a church that listens and responds. We value being a community that is not afraid to be re-formed by Christ and take risks to live the gospel in bold, relevant ways.